CSW Aero LLC is a customer oriented distributor of aerospace components of all types. We take pride in the tight-knit partnerships that we have developed with numerous distinguished vendors and manufacturers. Below are the three tenants in which we operate and live by.



All business that succeed have 1 attribute in common, the ability to deliver results and value to customers. At CSW, we hold this promise above all else. Our team achieves this by developing a complex database of parts in which we can locate quickly and cheaply, parts not limited to only the aviation and aerospace industry.  For every order we fulfill, we relish in the success, and for every order that was missed, we document and learn to constantly improve our system and business.



We understand that time is money, and in the aviation business, it's not just a lot of money, but also brand reputation and most importantly, passenger and customer satisfaction. Our second promise to you is quick turn around time and quick responses. 



As Mike Tyson has said: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth". What distinguishes good companies from great companies is how they respond to these scenarios. Our third promise, transparency, ensures that you can plan accordingly to any situation that may arise. We will provide frequent updates to our customers on the status of orders so that they are informed as soon as possible, providing them the insight to plan and execute projects more quickly and effectively. The better the information you have, the better you can plan, and ultimately, the better you can execute and deliver value to your customers.


We will get you what you need, when you need it, the way you want it.